Share2021-22 Dukes Champions
A recap from 2021-22 Dukes Championship Day.
Our past three seasons have been impacted by the pandemic. Modified game play, shortened seasons, masks, no spectators, vaccinations, ice shortages, bubbles, missing players. And we missed out on two years of playoffs. But COVID didn’t hold us back this year!!
Our 2021-2022 season ended with playoffs and a great day of Championship games. After two weeks of round robin play, the top two teams from each group advanced to the finals. On April 10, our teams from U11 to U18, faced off, battling to win the right to call themselves this season’s champions!! Our fans showed up in full support ready to cheer - Ray Friel hasn’t seen that many people in one rink in years!!
Every team came out to win and no one disappointed! Our U11A and U18A match-ups turned up the intensity with impressive over-time wins.
A huge congratulations to this year’s Champions and Finalist. It was an amazing way to wrap up our season.
Our Champions
u11 A2
u11 B2

u11 C3

u13 A1

u13 B1

u13 B6

u15 A3

u15 B2

u18 A4

u18 B3

u18 B7

Our Finalists
u11 A3

u11 B1

u11 C4

u13 A2

u13 B4

u13 B5

u15 A4

u15 B3

u18 A1

u18 B2

u18 B4